Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We All Need To Teach Writing

This week on my eI Community blog, I write about how all teachers in all disciplines must be writing teachers. Other bloggers address a host of other subjects regarding teachers and education.

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  1. www.teachingwill.comJuly 21, 2009 at 8:18 PM

    Here's what I think: I'm a volunteer in an elementary school and I've started an after-school Shakespeare Club for 3rd, 4th a 5th graders. We explore the world of the Bard, we perform a play and we write in journals. The writing is a huge component for these kids to jump the high bar. They examine themes, words, characters and they identify through writing. So bravo on you for encouraging the writing.

  2. I am not a trained drama teacher, but for a few years, I was asked to teach an elective. Along with acting and performing scenes from plays, I had my students write their own scenes. This part of the class was incredibly popular with the students, and when we performed scenes, both written by known writers and my students, the parents loved their work as well.

    Writing is a necessary component of every class regardless of the subject. If we approach it that way, more students would be able to string some words together to form a coherent thought. Practice does make someone better at any given skill, and writing is no exception.

    Thanks for commenting,
    Paul L. Martin


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